Thursday, November 26, 2009

Crispy Crunch

Have you ever noticed how weird Crispy Crunches are? You take the first bite and it's not so bad. But then before you know it the chocolate's disappeared, and all that remains is this chewy carmel, brittle-like guck, that refuses to be swallowed or chemically digested. Terrible! I'm at the Hallowe'en candy stage where all there is left are the rejects. So I've the plain Lays chips, Double Bubble gum balls, gummy body parts (fingers, noses; etc), a variety of coloured suckers, and Crispy Crunch bars. Things like this. I wasn't planning on eating the candy I didn't want/like, but I gotten into this little routine where every night when I'm reading, I end up eating this unwanted loot. One time it was all of the Nibs, the next night was all the rockets....... and this continued until there was indeed very little left.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

No sweats

Booooo. Just found out that I'll be working all this weekend. I just got my job back, will explain more later. But I think I'm working a total of 16 hours or something. I mean.... sure it's GOOD but blaaaah. I'd say the worst part is not being able to wear sweatpants on the weekend. I work in retail and I need to be in "pants" hahah (darn). In other words, no sweats. I guess I'll just have to settle for wearing long-johns under my jeans, or something. Good job I probably won't have too much homework, otherwise I'd be .....not in a good situation. HAH

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be."
Kurt Vonnegut

Full moon, November 2nd

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Caramilk chocolate

"There was no meteor shower," Dianna says bitterly. Only kidding, hahah.... but I actually didnt see one particle of comet debris in the entire night sky. Go figure right! And despite it being 315 in the morning, I gave it a good long 15-minute look. And because it was 315 in the morning, it didnt take too much convincing on my part to go back to bed. I hear we might catch a glimpse of the same shower tonight though? It's still within the Leo. Just find the Big Dipper and pretend its dripping, and you'll find it.
Today in Writers' Craft we watched Stranger Than Fiction. Which is a fairly good movie, by the way. And although Ive seen it before, I still look forward to finishing it tomorrow.
The last couple of days Ive been having this mad chocolate craving after I get home from school. So I decided to make hot chocolate today. After I had made it and poured it into a mug I bought at Value Village for under a dollar, I plopped a square of caramilk into it. It was probably the best decision I've made all day. By the way to get the correct spelling of "caramilk", I decided to search my Halloween candy bag to find one. I was about to toss it back into the bag and then though, oh what the heck. And I ate it. Maybe I'll regret it when supper somes around, I dont know.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Meteor shower!

Woooooo..... just finished doing five hours of English! I'm really glad to get it done, but I hate being on the computer for that long. I feel like my brain's leaking. But I just wanted to say that I'm really excited! Because there's a meteor shower tonight! And the prime time to be watching is between 300 and dawn, so I should probably go to sleep NOW if I want to see some of it. Good NIGHT

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Why can't this be purple?

Alright folks Im having an issue with this posting thing. I cant change the colour of my text! Or font size! The icon just doesnt show up when I choose to make a new post. If anyone has a solution..... comment! Hahah its driving me insane