Thursday, November 26, 2009

Crispy Crunch

Have you ever noticed how weird Crispy Crunches are? You take the first bite and it's not so bad. But then before you know it the chocolate's disappeared, and all that remains is this chewy carmel, brittle-like guck, that refuses to be swallowed or chemically digested. Terrible! I'm at the Hallowe'en candy stage where all there is left are the rejects. So I've the plain Lays chips, Double Bubble gum balls, gummy body parts (fingers, noses; etc), a variety of coloured suckers, and Crispy Crunch bars. Things like this. I wasn't planning on eating the candy I didn't want/like, but I gotten into this little routine where every night when I'm reading, I end up eating this unwanted loot. One time it was all of the Nibs, the next night was all the rockets....... and this continued until there was indeed very little left.

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