Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Doesn't matter if I pass or fail this chem test ....everyone deserves to use Golden Brown Sugar Cubes in their tea.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Waiting for laundry

Time flies..... I've been marking the days by emptying pill bottles. Hahah, sounds bad right. I'm on this perscription that usually takes me a little more than a month to get through a bottle of. I only half realized this until I thought about how many times I've phoned in Shoppers requesting a refill. Yah, time flies...
So I'm waiting for my laundry. It's only 23:37 but I'm a bit tired. I just cleaned my room (and I mean REALLY cleaned) and I'm making a special effort to keep it half decent. At least for a little while. I went through any bags that I've crammed in my closet and I threw out garbage that should have been gone ages ago. It feels good. It feels good to have my room so clean. I'm not exaggerating when I say this, but before I tackeled my room I could not see the floor. Okay that's not entirely true. Sometimes I could catch a glimpse of the laminate flooring where my wall his the floor, but other than that yah. Not much.
Earlier today I was on the computer and just searching random things on youtube. I came across this one vid talking about that tube you can get put into the top part of your stomach, as a last resort to losing a lot of weight. They were mostly talking about how some doctors think it should be approved for teenagers to get in America. Hmmmmm I probably should have payed closer attention to the details. But it seemed to me that the doctors were talking about it rather... casually, and I started to wonder how big of a deal something like this might be in fifty years from now. I mean... maybe by then it will be the most common thing in the world to send kids that are (even slightly) overweight to have this operation done? At first when I heard about this surgery, it seemed like something only those who are dangerously overweight do, in order to drop to a healthy weight. I don't know, maybe it isn't as big of a deal as I think it is. But you never know? Maybe it will be as casual of a surgery as getting your wisdoms pulled.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Food, Cooking, Etc

Wohoo, first day of on-the-road-driving-school. Nothing special to report about it though... just that it's sad that I could have gotten my license last year at this time if I had gotten my G1 on my 16th. Hahah, oh well. My goal is to get my license before I leave for Thailand. That way when I come back I can just start driving and not have to worry about brushing up on my "skills".

I made chocolate chip-banana muffins last night! I think that was my first time making muffins, actually. They turned out really good..... found the recipe online and made a couple of changes. I think it would be really cool to learn how to cook. Well... and bake. The only thing I've really tried to "cook" are finn pancakes.

I'm starting a cook book soon; probably before Thailand. I'll bring some favourite recipes from here to Thailand, and hopefully bring a bunch back at the end of my exchange. I need to learn how to cook! My aunt said it would be really sweet if I could take some kind of Thai massage course while I'm there, too. Apparently it isn't very expensive (compared to what it might cost here) and it would also just be a really interesting skill to have!!!!

We have so much ice cream in the house right now. I think we're going through a chocolate phase. We have some kind of Bryers double churned, extra brownie stuff, heavenly hash, mint chocolate chip, and also one of those four litre pails of plain chocolate. I guess we go through it pretty fast though...

Now that I think of it, we have a lot of good food in the house. There's leftover pizza (deluxe!), those muffins, chocolate MILK! Mmmmm. Chocolate milk is like a rare commodity in our house. Dang- I should really go and get something to eat.
And then maybe if I have time, do my chem.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Northern Thailand!

Okie! So looking back I realize I need to start from the beginning... I haven't talked about next year at all yet. About a year and a half ago I started considering going on a student exchange for a year after highschool. I can't remember if there was one thing that was the main initiator of this thought, but I know it was a combination of my Aunt Barbara (who went on an exchange when she was in highschool), talking with exchange students at school, and a love for plane food (ha). I guess it was after I came back from Brazil in the fall of 2007. So maybe it was longer ago than I thought when I started thinking about an exchnage! Wowie.

Anyways so I started filling out application papers last summer, and in the last four or five months I've been in closer touch with the exchange program. I was interviewed and accepted late last year and then told in January that I was going to Thailand! We more or less got to chose where we would go; we ranked a list of about forty countries in the order of our preference, and based on this and the number of spaces available in each country, we got placed. Thailand was in my top 5... they were: Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Thailand. I was reaaally super happy to get put in Thailand. It was definetly a surprise, but the more I thought about it (and it only took a few minutes) the more I realized what an AWESOME place Thailand would be to live in for a year!

One thing I need to work on is the language. I was expecting to learn spanish or portuguese for my exchange, so I jumped the gun a bit and started studying before I knew where I was going. Well... that isn't completely true. I know some portuguese and spanish is similar... so I was assuming I was doing the right thing by continuing brazilian portuguese. Oh well. I'll use it one day! But ....Thai a very different language (which I've recently come to discover). It would be cool to be in a Thai-speaking school, and not an english one, because I would probably catch on to the language so much faster! It sounds like it would be a really cool language to speak fluently.

Anyways, the most recent news is that I have a better idea of where I will be living! And I don't know much about Thailand, but this is the area I was hoping to go to :D The place I was hoping I wouldn't get placed was in a big city. The only one I know is Bangkok. There's gotta be more out there, though! I would definetly like to spend a day or a weekend in Bankok, but I was relieved not to be living there for a year. The clean air of Chiang Mai sounds delicious!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Saudades de vc ....mas talvez da proxima vez, ne.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Is it okay to explode on facebook? Would it be acceptable for me to fill in my "what am I doing" line with: HJkfhdskjfhjkghASfkj? It's iffy, right. I mean every "friend" that I have on fbook has access to this status of mine and would most likely get the wrong impression of my general attitude towards life. Not very fair to me, or to them. But then where can one explode? On a blog? No. Who sees this blog? I don't know..... so wouldn't it just be better to keep it inside of me and let my head errupt gradually (or not so gradually) in front of the people I know and love the most? I actually DON'T know! But something tells me this isn't the answer. If you have a solution, please contact me.

Since when has everyone known everything about everyone else? Who decides how far is too far, and who is anyone to say what anyone else should or should not be doing? We know who we are..... why do we need people to say it isn't "like us" to do or say something; how do they know? They've only known me for short intervals at a time, so why would I care if someone told me that it's "out of my norm" to do something? They don't know the context of my life. No one knows exactly where you're coming from. No one but yourself.

I have problems, okay. I try my best to make my entries as happy and optimistic as possible. But the truth is! who can truthfully say that they feel happy all the time? No one that I know feels happy all the time. Not me! You know.... one of those days when you wake up, look in the mirror, think: Man, I'm ugly. Miss the bus. Over-react in every possible situation. Try to act a certain way in front of certain people. Go through the motions. SURE... I know I've been there. In fact this is one of those jolly days! Not every one of the aforementioned events happened to me all in this day, but they occur often enough to result in days when I feel like... poop. And they SUCK.

Okay....... making a list of reasons not to be grumpy/mildly depressed:

1. I'm full. I had so much to eat today it's funny

2. I know I'll have an awesome sleep tonight. Stayed up late last night working on French project therefore a good night can be almost guarenteed.

3. I have the BEST semester EVER. I have Lankin teaching me chem, a physed class that isn't half bad, a spare!, and French. So slack

4. Tudo que preciso e tudo que tenho.

5. I'm going to travel the world! There's no limits.... free and able to do as I please with my time.

6. I have friends that I know no matter what happens to me, they will be there.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yay for reading!

Wrote last exam.... data! And good news is that I got an 81% (which doesn't usually happen when combining me and math). So I finished with a 79/80 in that class. Weeeeo! I was trying to calculate what my grade 12 average could be. Four of my six "credits that count" were in the semester that just finished, so it doesn't take a lot of guessing.
And I was so glad to be finished exams becasue that meant I could finally start reading again. I was trying to hold off on beginning any new books when I should have been studying; it sucked.
But guess what! Next semester is going to be a sinch! I have chem, phys.ed, spare, french!
Today I plan on making triple chocolate cookies and also maybe cleaning my room. It looks like a construction zone in there.