Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yay for reading!

Wrote last exam.... data! And good news is that I got an 81% (which doesn't usually happen when combining me and math). So I finished with a 79/80 in that class. Weeeeo! I was trying to calculate what my grade 12 average could be. Four of my six "credits that count" were in the semester that just finished, so it doesn't take a lot of guessing.
And I was so glad to be finished exams becasue that meant I could finally start reading again. I was trying to hold off on beginning any new books when I should have been studying; it sucked.
But guess what! Next semester is going to be a sinch! I have chem, phys.ed, spare, french!
Today I plan on making triple chocolate cookies and also maybe cleaning my room. It looks like a construction zone in there.

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