Friday, February 12, 2010


Is it okay to explode on facebook? Would it be acceptable for me to fill in my "what am I doing" line with: HJkfhdskjfhjkghASfkj? It's iffy, right. I mean every "friend" that I have on fbook has access to this status of mine and would most likely get the wrong impression of my general attitude towards life. Not very fair to me, or to them. But then where can one explode? On a blog? No. Who sees this blog? I don't know..... so wouldn't it just be better to keep it inside of me and let my head errupt gradually (or not so gradually) in front of the people I know and love the most? I actually DON'T know! But something tells me this isn't the answer. If you have a solution, please contact me.

Since when has everyone known everything about everyone else? Who decides how far is too far, and who is anyone to say what anyone else should or should not be doing? We know who we are..... why do we need people to say it isn't "like us" to do or say something; how do they know? They've only known me for short intervals at a time, so why would I care if someone told me that it's "out of my norm" to do something? They don't know the context of my life. No one knows exactly where you're coming from. No one but yourself.

I have problems, okay. I try my best to make my entries as happy and optimistic as possible. But the truth is! who can truthfully say that they feel happy all the time? No one that I know feels happy all the time. Not me! You know.... one of those days when you wake up, look in the mirror, think: Man, I'm ugly. Miss the bus. Over-react in every possible situation. Try to act a certain way in front of certain people. Go through the motions. SURE... I know I've been there. In fact this is one of those jolly days! Not every one of the aforementioned events happened to me all in this day, but they occur often enough to result in days when I feel like... poop. And they SUCK.

Okay....... making a list of reasons not to be grumpy/mildly depressed:

1. I'm full. I had so much to eat today it's funny

2. I know I'll have an awesome sleep tonight. Stayed up late last night working on French project therefore a good night can be almost guarenteed.

3. I have the BEST semester EVER. I have Lankin teaching me chem, a physed class that isn't half bad, a spare!, and French. So slack

4. Tudo que preciso e tudo que tenho.

5. I'm going to travel the world! There's no limits.... free and able to do as I please with my time.

6. I have friends that I know no matter what happens to me, they will be there.

1 comment:

Lorraine M said...

Hey Dianna! As for the first question...its probably not okay to explode on Facebook. Sometimes there definitely are those days where you just want to scream...and make sure that scream echos everywhere you go (Facebook, home, etc.) Self-control and joy! Think of those two fruits of the spirit! :) I agree that its really hard to be happy all of the time, but joy can be held onto in all situations.

And I agree about the weirdness of people saying, "That's not like you." Maybe if it was some REALLY outrageous (that you wouldn't expect from that many people at all) then it'd make sense. But its weird, and in my experiences, very annoying.