Thursday, January 21, 2010

Exams! And more important things

Hiiiiiiiii! Long time no chat.... my fault, I know. I don't exactly have a plan regarding what I'll be writing you today, but I titled it "Exams!" so I guess I could work along those lines.
I had anthro today (super easy) and english tomorrow. I should really be studying, or at least making an essay outline right now, but whatever; it's only grade 12, right??? Hhahah it's not like it counts or anything?

Yah, I don't know what else to say about exams... I have data on Monday. That should be a blast. It's just so weird that I will never have another highschool (for example) english class ever again. And I'm sad to end writers' craft and data becasue they were just... good classes! Teachers were good, people were good, the material (vaguely) interesting. But next semester should be fun too... I have chemistry, phys.ed, spare, french! I think it's going to be so easy compared to this semester! And I LOVE chemistry!

Anyways, moving on to more important things, last weekend I went to this sweet warehouse sale at the Colesium (sp?) and I bought this really awesome sweater for only $5. I'm wearing it now, and I just looked in the mirror and thought dang, I like this sweater. I have way too many clothes, but if you only knew how little I paid for them it might make sense to you. For example the pants I'm wearing are ones I found in the lost and found. In other words, FREE. They were in there for almost a week, so all is fair ;D And the sweater... well you know. Even my socks - Old Navy Men's Clearance (a great place). Old Navy is one of the prime locations for cheap clothes... especially if you're up for sailing Men's Clearance.

Another prime location is Value Village. You need to have some time on your hands, but after a few hours of searching through the rubble, you're sure to find some amazing pieces. And an added bonus is that it's very unlikely that anyone else will have it, ahahha. I also highly recommend their jewlery and coffee mugs. Just give them a good scrub when you get home, and they're as good as new.

Earlier on tonight I was looking through an old family photo album.... I love them. This one isn't your typical album; it's one my Aunt made on some computer program (plug in the pictures, customize the layout, text, and colours, click "make album", and they send you a hardcover book!). It's really nice... it's a really good way to keep old pictures that might get lost, misplaced, or ripped one day.

She made the book to keep our family history alive; it's full of old old old family pictures, dates of birth, and dates of death. The first third of the book shows my Grandma's side (starting with her great grandmother, I think) and the second third is of my Grandpa's side (starting the same number of generations back). Then the last third is when my grandparents met, their dating life, their married life... etc. I think it's so cool to look back at pictures of my family. Mostly becasue all my life I've only seen them in their "elderly years". I like seeing the pictures of my Grandma when she was my age and imagining what she was like. I know it sounds dumb, but I had no idea she was that beautiful! When she was alive it never even occured to me that she ever graduated from highschool.

I've been told before that I look like my Baba..... and when I was younger I would look at her and think What! how do I look like BABA? But then being able to see her when she was in her twenties, I can see a little of her in me. I can see her in my brow, and in the shape of my face (circle! :D). It's so exciting!

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