Monday, April 12, 2010

Waiting for laundry

Time flies..... I've been marking the days by emptying pill bottles. Hahah, sounds bad right. I'm on this perscription that usually takes me a little more than a month to get through a bottle of. I only half realized this until I thought about how many times I've phoned in Shoppers requesting a refill. Yah, time flies...
So I'm waiting for my laundry. It's only 23:37 but I'm a bit tired. I just cleaned my room (and I mean REALLY cleaned) and I'm making a special effort to keep it half decent. At least for a little while. I went through any bags that I've crammed in my closet and I threw out garbage that should have been gone ages ago. It feels good. It feels good to have my room so clean. I'm not exaggerating when I say this, but before I tackeled my room I could not see the floor. Okay that's not entirely true. Sometimes I could catch a glimpse of the laminate flooring where my wall his the floor, but other than that yah. Not much.
Earlier today I was on the computer and just searching random things on youtube. I came across this one vid talking about that tube you can get put into the top part of your stomach, as a last resort to losing a lot of weight. They were mostly talking about how some doctors think it should be approved for teenagers to get in America. Hmmmmm I probably should have payed closer attention to the details. But it seemed to me that the doctors were talking about it rather... casually, and I started to wonder how big of a deal something like this might be in fifty years from now. I mean... maybe by then it will be the most common thing in the world to send kids that are (even slightly) overweight to have this operation done? At first when I heard about this surgery, it seemed like something only those who are dangerously overweight do, in order to drop to a healthy weight. I don't know, maybe it isn't as big of a deal as I think it is. But you never know? Maybe it will be as casual of a surgery as getting your wisdoms pulled.

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