Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Food, Cooking, Etc

Wohoo, first day of on-the-road-driving-school. Nothing special to report about it though... just that it's sad that I could have gotten my license last year at this time if I had gotten my G1 on my 16th. Hahah, oh well. My goal is to get my license before I leave for Thailand. That way when I come back I can just start driving and not have to worry about brushing up on my "skills".

I made chocolate chip-banana muffins last night! I think that was my first time making muffins, actually. They turned out really good..... found the recipe online and made a couple of changes. I think it would be really cool to learn how to cook. Well... and bake. The only thing I've really tried to "cook" are finn pancakes.

I'm starting a cook book soon; probably before Thailand. I'll bring some favourite recipes from here to Thailand, and hopefully bring a bunch back at the end of my exchange. I need to learn how to cook! My aunt said it would be really sweet if I could take some kind of Thai massage course while I'm there, too. Apparently it isn't very expensive (compared to what it might cost here) and it would also just be a really interesting skill to have!!!!

We have so much ice cream in the house right now. I think we're going through a chocolate phase. We have some kind of Bryers double churned, extra brownie stuff, heavenly hash, mint chocolate chip, and also one of those four litre pails of plain chocolate. I guess we go through it pretty fast though...

Now that I think of it, we have a lot of good food in the house. There's leftover pizza (deluxe!), those muffins, chocolate MILK! Mmmmm. Chocolate milk is like a rare commodity in our house. Dang- I should really go and get something to eat.
And then maybe if I have time, do my chem.

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