Friday, December 4, 2009

Invitations and Procrastinations

Mmmmmm it's Friday. And the weekend starts now. And isn't that something to be happy about? We (me and my fam) just got back from delivering invitations for a Christmas Eve service (which is at our church, Fort William Baptist on Moodie Street, if you're interested). It was fun: there were probably between thirty and forty people that showed up at 1900 to go door to door, or rather, mailbox to mailbox. Im kind of glad we didnt go DOOR to DOOR just becasue it would seem like we would be interupting a perfect night of nothingness. Or maybe they wouldnt be doing "nothing" but either way, isn't it less of a hassle to just stick it in their box. The weather was pretty good too.... I would say it's no colder than -10 celcius. Then we went back to the church basement for hot chocolate and other good things. The plan for tonight is to watch Elf, which, by the way is a pretty good movie! But like any other, one can only watch it so many times. Someone gave it to me last year for Christmas and I never ended up taking it out of the package, therefore I haven't watched it for more than a year. I'd say now is a good time to take off the plastic and pop it into the DVD player.
I also have two jolly essays due on Monday. The thing that makes them jolly is that I haven't started either yet. But this is how I usually function...... I should probably try harder to get things done before the morning they're due. I suppose the problem is that I always get away with, it making it easier to do the same when the next project comes around. Maybe what I really need is for me not to get away with it. But at the same time- who would wish it upon themselves to do horribly on an important assignment? Not me. Maybe I'll make up for my procrastination by studying for my exams during the break. Or....we'll see.

Oh, and I work tomorrow and Sunday. Thinking about going and being at work.... sucks. But when I'm there I remember it's not so bad and I should actually be really grateful to have a job, especially around Christmas. And it's really a great place to work too.... really friendly staff and it isn't a hard job to do. It's really fun actually, and I need to keep this in mind tomorrow morning when my alarm clock goes off.

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