Friday, December 21, 2007

My First Entry

So! this is my first entry in my new blog! I hope that I will continue to write in this for a while, as I'm planning some adventures for the future that I wouldnt want to forget. I never actually realized how cool blogs were until a couple of seconds ago... they're like online journals or something. I like how you can look back on the past, just like your could in a journal. In the past year I went to Maya Riveira, Mexico on the March break, and to Aguas Lindas, Brazil just this past summer. I would love to go back in time, as I would never have experienced these great places yet. And I could do it all over again. I just wish that I had this blog when I was in Brazil, becasue I could have written in it while i was there every day! Even now I still re-read the letters/emails I sent home while I was there (just to bring back the memories, of course)! Somedays I just need to write something that Im sad or mad about on here. Hahah- so you can't say I didn't warn you. Today is actually the last day of school here for us, becasue the Christmas break has begun starting this weekend :D. But my sibs and I got today off too, becasue theres a public viewing for my grandpa.... meaning I'm babysitting the younger side of my family for the afternoon. Guh; I feel like I should take a shower now, but the plumber guy is here, and he's turned the water off =/ I can't wait for him to leave. My sister and I want to have our breakfast, but it's a tad awkward with him still whistling away in there. So we're just gonna wait.

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