Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm Back!

Wow! I havent been on here for what... 3 years?! Ok, maybe more like 2. But still; so much for me trying to keep up the blogging. Right now my dads off to the "dog wash" with Otis, my sibs are playing Mario Cart and I.... should be doing homework! But thats ok. We were just in Duluth for the weekend and now I have a weekends-worth of homework to catch up on, which includes an essay rough copy, questions for two different pieces of poetry, studying for a chem quiz, and looking over my ojibwae in prep for a spelling test. Im least worried for the spelling test (lol), but Im thinking its the thing Ill do the worst on. Its the double vowels, triple consonants that gets me every time =P.
And my fam is planning a trip to Jamaica! Well I guess were past the planning stage, as our planes leaving this Saturday. WooOo.... I think our plane takes off at 0600 or something! Should be a good day for rising and shining :).

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