Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Homework follow-up

Just thought Id follow up for those who were interested on my homework last night. But FIRST! I want to let you know that this is my first time in a long time that Ive done homework twice in two days! Although I guess I dont really have much of a choice as I may fail chem if I dont study for the tests (have one tomorrow). Anyways, I actually did finish both of my questions for my poetry assignment last night, as well as writing the previous entry, CAMP, as part of the assignment. We were supposed to use the layout of a selected poem ("I Grew Up") and write of a place where we grew up and what it meant to us. And about that chem quiz today..... I got 2.5/10. Hah... I didnt do so hot on the Ojibwe spelling test, either. But that was expected. No one from my chemistry clas did excedingly well, so our teacher is letting us have a re-quiz on thursday. Tonight we celebrated my grandma's birthday at our house, which involved coconut cake and nerf gun target practice. About two hours ago, they left, and Ive been studying since then. I think if I do bad on my first term report in chem, I might drop the class; I dont need any sciences, but I figured Id do some anyways. ALTHOUGH if it means bringing down my average and attending a class I dread, it may be just as well not take chemistry. So far, it's alright...... the people are fun, the teacher's hilarious. This makes a difference as I hardly like any classes at school. Not that I really dont like school, but for me it's usually teachers that either make or break the class. I should sleep though. I was planning on reading a book for an essay tonight, but it's probably too late now :). Whatever-- Ill read it on the way to school in the morning.

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