Friday, February 27, 2009

Almost in Jamaica

In less than 24hours we'll be there! I'm so excited!! I still need to pack...... hahah. We need to be at the airport for 0515. Talk to you in Jamaica! (probably).

Thursday, February 26, 2009

YAAAY! Only 2 more days (that's 3 sleeps) until JAMAICA! =D Actually it doesn't really seem like we're actually going... it'll probably hit me when we land or something. Tomorrow during my lunch break at school I'm getting a pedicure (Christmas present) and my eyebrows done...... which should be interesting, as I need to go back to school after all this. My appointment was originally for AFTER school tomorrow, but it ended up being the one day of the entire week I need to work, and the only other available time slot is during lunch. I'm hoping that my eyebrows won't be too "irritated" and that the surrounding area returns to normal colour before period4 starts. HA/ and then of course I'll be the first one in school to start wearing flip flops (I'll need to tomorrow so that the stuff can dry). I'll just be a walking talking fashion statement!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Homework follow-up

Just thought Id follow up for those who were interested on my homework last night. But FIRST! I want to let you know that this is my first time in a long time that Ive done homework twice in two days! Although I guess I dont really have much of a choice as I may fail chem if I dont study for the tests (have one tomorrow). Anyways, I actually did finish both of my questions for my poetry assignment last night, as well as writing the previous entry, CAMP, as part of the assignment. We were supposed to use the layout of a selected poem ("I Grew Up") and write of a place where we grew up and what it meant to us. And about that chem quiz today..... I got 2.5/10. Hah... I didnt do so hot on the Ojibwe spelling test, either. But that was expected. No one from my chemistry clas did excedingly well, so our teacher is letting us have a re-quiz on thursday. Tonight we celebrated my grandma's birthday at our house, which involved coconut cake and nerf gun target practice. About two hours ago, they left, and Ive been studying since then. I think if I do bad on my first term report in chem, I might drop the class; I dont need any sciences, but I figured Id do some anyways. ALTHOUGH if it means bringing down my average and attending a class I dread, it may be just as well not take chemistry. So far, it's alright...... the people are fun, the teacher's hilarious. This makes a difference as I hardly like any classes at school. Not that I really dont like school, but for me it's usually teachers that either make or break the class. I should sleep though. I was planning on reading a book for an essay tonight, but it's probably too late now :). Whatever-- Ill read it on the way to school in the morning.


I grew up at camp
believing it was the only
reason summer existed

I grew up thinking
"I never want to spend my summer
any other way"

We would wake at
the rising whistle
and break a healthy fast

I could swing from tyres
tightly tied to branches
hanging on for dear life

Then swim in the lake
for hours on end
until my skin became wrinkly

I grew up at camp
believing it was the only
reason summer existed

I grew up thinking
"I never want to spend my summer
any other way"

Once a week
blankets were spread on the warm earth
a picnic was to be had

Kool-aid was spilt
dogs whined and begged
and egg salad was inhaled

At the end of the day
a fire was built
and people would gather

Stories were told
marshmallows were burnt
and children kissed goodnight

I grew up thinking
"I never was to spend my summer
any other way"

I grew up at camp
believing it was the only
reason summer existed.

~Dianna Semenick

Monday, February 23, 2009

Reach Out and Touch

baby girl, baby boy behind me on the bus
reach out
and touch the curly electric of my hair
your fingers dipped in the
brown skin magic of my neck
to see if it comes off
your mama
slapping hands away
hush-up of your questions
and wondering out loud why it doesnt come off.
I turn and smile for you,
but youre already lost
in the silence and the fear that motherlove wraps you in.
I should have sat beside you
snugged up my big warm self up close
held you while your mama juggled parcels.
then you would know its o.k.

~Maxine Tynes

{A poem I came across in me english studies}

I'm Back!

Wow! I havent been on here for what... 3 years?! Ok, maybe more like 2. But still; so much for me trying to keep up the blogging. Right now my dads off to the "dog wash" with Otis, my sibs are playing Mario Cart and I.... should be doing homework! But thats ok. We were just in Duluth for the weekend and now I have a weekends-worth of homework to catch up on, which includes an essay rough copy, questions for two different pieces of poetry, studying for a chem quiz, and looking over my ojibwae in prep for a spelling test. Im least worried for the spelling test (lol), but Im thinking its the thing Ill do the worst on. Its the double vowels, triple consonants that gets me every time =P.
And my fam is planning a trip to Jamaica! Well I guess were past the planning stage, as our planes leaving this Saturday. WooOo.... I think our plane takes off at 0600 or something! Should be a good day for rising and shining :).