Saturday, October 24, 2009

Black Cat

I was so proud of myself this morning.... I woke up at 0945 and right away started cleaning my room :0 (this is strange for me, no matter what time of day it is). I folded clothes for about half and hour before starting to do some of my wash. The thing about any season but summer is: where do you hang your wet clothes? In the summer I string them on the line to dry but in the colder seasons I usually end up hanging them on random furniture around the house. This usually results in me not remembering where I put half of my clothes ;P I probably have about three loads (BIG loads) of laundry to do this morning, and I just put the first one in a couple of minutes ago. My room still isnt very clean after all that folding, but you really need to to see a "before" picture to appreciate how it is now. No word of a lie- I actually couldnt see my floor due to all the clothes. I really need to go through them ALL and make a pile for the Salvation Army. Maybe I'll do that today too. I also want to take the dogs for a walk and possibly think about my hallowe'en costume. I went to Value Village a couple of days ago in search of a costume, and I found everything BUT a costume. Although I did find a pair of gray sweats, a dark purple sweater and an olive green coffee mug, I couldnt find anything for a cat get-up. I do love Value Village. When I was younger I always wanted to be a black cat, but my mom thought "it probably isnt a good idea". We couldnt be anything that is scary. Here's the thing though: I didnt WANT to be scary, I just really liked cats that were black! hahaha. So I figured that since this is probably my last year dressing up (finally), I should be the cat. I should just BE the black cat. And obviously my mom doesnt care now whether Im a black cat or a green duck, so it's all good =P

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