Friday, October 23, 2009

Anybody Out There?

Wowie wow wow.... this is the third time in two days that Ive blogged, which Im pretty sure is as close to a record as Im gonna get :) I was just thinking: I wonder if anyone reads these posts.... I dont have any blog "followers" mostly because most of my friends dont blog. But I guess that's beside the point. I didnt actually realize how easy it is to FIND someone's blog; all you need to do is google their name! I discovered this by googling my own. Ive been told that when applying for jobs etc you should search your name, so that if your potential empolyer does some kind of follow up, you know they wont find any weird online things. Not that I have anything to hide, hahah. Buuuuut you never know what comes up under your name. Im actually glad that I discovered how easy it is for someone to access my blog, because I was just starting to think how great it would be to write everything and anything I felt I needed to say. You know.... to use it like a vent. But no longer, internet!
So let's talk about dog food. We just started our St Bernard/Newfie on a diet of raw meat. She has a form of mange (you know, like a "mayn-gee mutt?") and the vet says its becasue of her low immune system. My dad was looking at stuff online and he decided that instead of keeping her on meds, we would go for a more natural route. He found a site that takes in sick and abused dogs and they have this system of curing them naturally (it's where he got the idear from). Cleo lost all the fur on one side of her face and its really raw and swollen. The meds were causing her vision to be impaired and shes falling a lot. The person/people running this animal shelter claimed that often they get dogs that are completely hairless becasue of mange. Instead of using medication they take them for long walks, feed them a diet of raw meat (cheap scraps) and give them loads of love. Of course it doesnt always work, but its just as likely that the meds will. So my dad came home today with a cardboard box of chicken necks and backs. I didnt even know poultry HAD backs. I thought they were just a corpse, two little skrawny legs and a head? Anyways I guess we'll see how this remedy works. I'll keep you posted, that is if there is anybody out there.

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