Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wanted: Black Ears and Tail

Today consisted of eating a blueberry muffin (which for some reason was without blueberries)and later going to church. After church we went to Timmies where my mom and I tried their french onion soup. It was really good = and definitely recommend it. The we went to go drop of my rotary application (will explain later) to someone's house, and then went in search of cat accessories. I went to three different stores.... WalMart, which sold out, Zellers- sold out, and my last try, Dollar4Dollar, was closed. So no luck in the cat department today. When we got home I took the dogs for a walk. It's funny: I think I actually like better walking this time of year, when it's a little cold, better than in the summer. Even though the sky is gray and the air crispy, it's nonetheless pleasant. It seems the dogs like it better too. In the warm weather Cleo especially requires walks that include a water break. Or sometimes a "let's sit down and not move" break. And she knows that whatever she does the rest of have to do too, mostly becasue of her over-powering size =P When she decides to sit down, there's no use in trying to move her. If she knows you want her to do something she will intentionally do the opposite. Sounds like a bad babysitting job. But whatever.... Cleo's a good dog.
So here I am eating chili and pumpkin cake. I don't think it could get much better than this. After the dog walk I was outside for a bit, and by then I was ready for a good hot meal. My ma made chili and it was a "help yourself when you're hungry" meal.We usually all eat at the table together, but my mom left to take Olivia to dancing and Brad is sick. So he's downstairs sleeping and I'm here: eating chili and pumpkin cake. The cake is delicious... I'm pretty sure I ate more than half of the pan! My dad is out of town, so that's one less person to eat the massive thing, and I don't think my siblings like it a whole lot. And mom doesn't eat more than one piece a day, so that just leaves me to finish the entire thing :D But I'm not complaining... it has the greatest cream cheese icing and the pumpkin makes it a really moist cake.

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